Sunday, March 4, 2012

USA: Highway Traffic Fatalities - Sve manje poginulih u saobracaju!

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) early projections, the number of traffic fatalities fell three percent between 2009 and 2010, from 33,808 to 32,788. Since 2005, fatalities have dropped 25 percent, from a total of 43,510 fatalities in 2005. The same estimates also project that the fatality rate will be the lowest recorded since 1949, with 1.09 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled, down from the 1.13 fatality rate for 2009. The decrease in fatalities for 2010 occurred despite an estimated increase of nearly 21 billion miles in national vehicle miles traveled.

A regional breakdown showed the greatest drop in fatalities occurred in the Pacific Northwest states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska, where they dropped by 12 percent. Arizona, California and Hawaii had the next steepest decline, nearly 11 percent.
Prema podacima iz TIME magazina (Mar. 2, 2012) u javnom saobracaju sirom USA poginulo je tokom 2010 godine 32,885 koje je manje nego u bilo kom drugom periodu od 1950. To smanjenje se moze videti  u sledecim ciframa izrazenim po broju poginulih za svki 160 MILIONA kilometera predjenih u javnom saobracaju:

2010 = 1.1 (poginulih)
1990 = 2.1
1980 = 3.4
1970 = 4.7
1950 =7.2

UZROCI NESRECE - poginulih:
1.  Alkohol = 32%
2.  Prebrza voznja = 31%
3.  Neopreznost = 16%
4.  Losi vremenski uslovi = 11%
2011 godini proizvedeno je (USA); 12.8 miliona automobila
2012 ocekuje se proizvodnja od 14 miliona automobila (sa dodatnim radnim mestima od 13,000)

Za opsirnije:
Time to go car shopping(?!)
Vreme je za kupovinu novih kola.....

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