Monday, September 24, 2012

Days of Pumpkins’ Jubilee!

Every year since 1986 around mid-month of October (this year: 10/11-14) the city of KIKINDA (Serbia) celebrates one of the largest Pumpkins raised in the country! How large? Well, the story goes, if you stand on top of one of those Pumpkins you could see KIKINDA from as far away as…… (okay, may not be all the way from Nashville, TN) but for sure it would be possible to see the city from my home town Ostojicevo (20 miles distance)!:)

So, remember to visit the festival of pumpkins in Kikinda, and don’t forget your cameras to capture your everlasting memories.
Downtown of Kikinda (Serbia)
'Lala' on the top of kikinda's grown pumpkin... (can see further than Sarah Palin from her house!:)


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