Monday, September 2, 2013

USA: Dan radnika

Labor Day 2013: Sept. 2

The first observance of Labor Day was likely on Sept. 5, 1882, when some 10,000 workers assembled in New York City for a parade. That celebration inspired similar events across the country, and by 1894 more than half the states were observing a "workingmen's holiday" on one day or another. Later that year, with Congress passing legislation and President Grover Cleveland signing the bill on June 29, the first Monday in September was designated "Labor Day." This national holiday is a creation of the labor movement in the late 19th century — and pays tribute to the social and economic achievements of American workers.

Who Are We Celebrating?

155.7 million

Number of people 16 and over in the nation's labor force in May 2013.
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Table A-1<>

US Census Bureau Logo


Na linku; se mogu naci statisticki podaci (July 23, 2013) u vezi postavljene teme po profilu US stanovnistva, zaposlenju, zaradi, i ostalog u PDF formatu.
Iz uvodnog (Copy/Pste) dela praznicni 'Dan radnika' je navodno zapoceo 5tog septembra, 1882 kada je oko 10,000 radnika organizovalo setnju/demonstraciju u gradu Njujork.  Taj dogadja se prosirio na vise od polovine savaznih drzava 1894te gde je iste godine i donet zakon o nacionalnom prazniku (svakog prvog ponedeljnika u septembru) u znak priznanje socio-ekonmoskog dostignuca americkih radnika.
Danasnji praznik se proslavlja u ime 155.7 miliona zaposlenih u Americi (od 16+g. starosti).

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